作品展播(一等奖)选送单位:山西广播电视台主创人员:蔡小明 梁晓琦 谢华 郝元元 范婷 杜金明 郑锴 阎伟编 辑:谢华 郝元元 范婷刊播日期:11月14日—11月25日 周一、三、五21时30分《首席体验官》一、国家外宣机构和中央主流媒体图1 新华网英文网站图2 中国日报网英文网站图3 中国驻澳大利亚大使馆官方媒体二、国际主流社交平台账号图4 Facebook图5 Twitter图6 Instagram图7 Tiktok图8 Youtube图9 俄罗斯社交媒体VK三、海外和港澳华文媒体图10-15 海外和港澳华文媒体图16-20 海外和港澳华文媒体系列报道《首席体验官》系列报道《首席体验官》第三集 “绿色”电厂【同期声】如你所见As you can see我换了一身衣服I've changed my clothes这是发电厂的工作服This is the working uniform of the power plant here我之前从未去过发电厂I've never been to a power plant before无论是在英国还是在中国either in the UK or in China所以我希望这将是一次so hopefully it's going to be非常有趣的经历a really interesting experience能让我们学到许多东西with a lot for us to see and learn【同期声】人们告诉我可以去找这个发电厂I've been told that I can try and find Mr. Dong此时的当班值长董先生who is the duty director on shift right now他们说 值长通常一个班8小时I've been told that they work 8 hour shifts here as director在此期间值长负责保障工厂and during that time, they're responsible for the running of the plant正常运转并处理可能出现的任何问题and also, any problems that might occur在中国 特别是在山西省Here in China, especially in this province煤炭被更广泛地coal is much more widely utilized应用于发电as a means of producing electricity显然 减少碳排放Obviously, there's a focus on和其它污染物的产生minimizing carbon emissions就成为了工作的重点and on not producing waste我们也会对这两个方面进行更多探究So, we're going to learn a bit more about that【同期声】我已经在发电厂里I've been walking through the power plant转了大约五六分钟for about 5 or 6 minutes now我有些惊讶 有些困惑and it's a little bit strange, a bit confusing因为我到这儿后还没见到任何工人I really haven't seen anybody since I came in here这里有一栋楼There's a building right here或许我能在里面I think if I go in here见到工作人员I might stand a good chance of finding someone【同期声】您好 有什么事吗Hello, how can I help you?我在找董总I’m trying to find director Dong他可能在主控室He’s possibly in the main control room这是煤粉吗Is it pulverized coal?对 是的That's right我在进行人工煤化验I’m doing a laboratory coal test我记得我在学校的时候I remember that we did做过这样的实验similar experiments during school days这个实验需要多久So how long would this test take?大概要两到三个小时About 2 to 3 hours但是我们现在But we don’t不经常做人工化验了do such manual laboratory tests much these days由机器人代替了人工化验The robots have replaced the manual tests【同期声】我现在明白了为什么之前So, I've now figured out why I didn't see many people在电厂里没看到什么人when I was walking around the power station这是因为在电厂里Because a lot of the work诸如煤样检测的工作like testing sample of the coal都由这些智能机械来完成hasbeen taken over by these intelligent machines【同期声】你好Hello中控室怎么走Could you tell me how to get to main control room?沿着这条路一直走Go along this road左拐then turn left看到天桥When you see the footbridge天桥的右手边it is on the right side of the footbridge【同期声】我找董总I’d like to visit Director Dong董总去了二氧化碳基地Director Dong has gone to the carbon dioxide base这些数字代表什么意思What does these data stand for?最右边的这一列The data on the rightmostcolumn是环保的排放标准stand for environmental emission standard这是因为我们在2014年 2015年This is because we upgraded our system进行了超低排放改造to the ultra-low emission in 2014 and 2015通过这个超低排放改造After such upgrading我们可以降低二氧化碳we could lower the emission of carbon dioxide污染物的排放and other wastes让我们的周围的村庄 河流which helps the surrounding villages还有我们的城市越来越美丽rivers and cities become more beautiful【画外音】实时大屏显示了工厂的排放情况The real time display shows the emissions from the plants这里的排放要远低于These are well below政府规定的标准和国家标准the government mandated standards政府规定的标准和国家标准and the national standards同样值得注意的是It’s also worth noting中国的排放标准也远低于China’s national standards are well below许多国家遵守的国际排放标准the international standards许多国家遵守的国际排放标准followed by many countries【同期声】实际上 这里是山西省第一家In fact, this is the first state enterprise in Shanxi Province实行此类超低排放标准的国有企业to have this ultra-low emissions standard为实行这一标准and it's been achieved这个电厂投入了约2亿人民币because of around 200millionRMB of investment这些资金也为降低排放量which has contributed to all the technology needed所需技术提供了必要保障to lower emissions to that level这座发电厂Whenyou consider(that)this plant serves为太原市的大部分地区a large area of Taiyuan City以及电厂所在的榆次区a large area of Yuci和一座机场提供电力and also, the airport服务范围非常大So, a very very large area is served by this power plant但这里仅有约200名员工despite only having around 200 employees并能保持非常低的排放量and having remarkably low emissions【同期声】你好Hello你好Hello请问师傅 我想去煤厂I want to get to the coal plant您可以带我去吗and could you please get me there?可以 我带你去I will get you there【画外音】如果你让我想象一个火力发电厂的样子If I imagine a coal power plant我会认为那里的一切都是黑色的I imagine sort of everything being black这种黑色会遍布各个角落all of black around the edges甚至窗户 车辆都会沾染上这种黑色the windows, the vehicles这里的洁净程度却远超我的想象It's nowhere near the levels that you'd expect事实上 这里周边茂密的树木植被In fact, with the amounts of plants around能够对这些煤灰起到一定的遮挡作用which are supposed to help with dust not blowing through【同期声】当我到达这座电厂时When I arrived here, one of the first things首先让我吃惊的是这里的果树数量that surprised me was the number of fruit trees here电厂的院子里有许多果树There are fruit trees all over the grounds, and there's also在电厂的主楼里面甚至还有一个果园a sort of orchard with many different varieties of fruit树上结着各种水果inside the main building我以前绝对不会把电厂I certainly don't associate power plants和这么多果树联系在一起with having fruit trees all over但是在这里却有许多but they're here and my colleagues我们摄制组的同事下午总在这里摘果子吃have been eating from them all afternoon所以我认为这些水果应该很好吃So, I take it that the fruit is quite good【同期声】是瑞思吗Are you Rees?嗯 是的Yes, I am你好Nice to meet you你好Nice to meet you, too你是董总吗Are you director Dong?对对对It’s me听说你上午一直在找我I heard that you’ve been looking for me all the morning对 我终于找到你了Finally, I found you不好意思I’m sorry for that我带你到现场看一看I’d like to show you around它就是把烟气中的二氧化碳This is the system which could extract能够提取出来the carbon dioxide from exhaust gas这些二氧化碳Then the extracted carbon dioxide可以添加到饮料中could be added into the beverage饮料中In the beverage?嗯 同时That’s right它还可以应用在农业大棚里Besides, it could also be used in the greenhouses它还可以应用在农业大棚里for the agricultural products让我们的水果 蔬菜which could improve the flavour有更好的味道of fruits and vegetables下一步要把Next step our power plant would further节能降碳做得更好save energyand reduce carbon emission【画外音】山西省有100多家类似的国有企业There are manystate-owned enterprises similar to this one in Shanxi province它们都在努力and all of them right now are trying to figure out similar methods用类似的方法减排for reducing their emissions就像这家电厂Like the idea of a power plant让生产的二氧化碳达到食品级标准producing food-based carbon through a drink并用于饮料生产such as this所以谁知道呢So, who knows?也许将来你喝的饮料中Perhaps in the future the drinks you enjoy就含有捕集于发电厂的二氧化碳could contain carbon captured from a power station系列报道《首席体验官》第四集 “大块头”有“大智慧”【同期声】起飞 返航点已刷新Departure and return point refreshed请留意返航位置Please note the return position【画外音】我把无人机一路飞到了这里So I've just flown the drone all the way here能看到周围的环境和厂区的规模and it was really interesting being able to take a look at the environment here真的很有趣and also the scale of this plant.厂区很大It's absolutely huge.显然,无人机很好玩Obviously, drones are quite interesting, I think因为这是遥控的because they are remotely controlled它是一个遥控装置It's a remote-controlled device但这里有一些更大型的设备But there are some much larger devices甚至是整个系统even entire systems都是由新技术远程操控的that can also be remotely controlled with new technology.我现在就要去一探究竟And I'm going to go and look at one of those now【同期声】我现在来到了集控中心So,I've just come in here to the central control room这里展示了所有工作场景There are all sorts going on here这里的多块大屏幕上有很多读数There's lots of screens in here with readings on them还有厂区内的实时图像and sort of CCTV images of the plant【同期声】我是太重集团I’m an R&D engineer一键炼焦项目的一名研发工程师From the smart coking plant of Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.我今天来的主要目的The main purpose of my visit today就是结合焦炉车司机的需求is to upgrade 5G network speed把5G网络进行速度升级based on the needs of oven operators从一开始的150毫秒We have optimized the speed我们优化到了30毫秒from 150 milliseconds at fhe beginning to 30 milliseconds咱们去前面这个大屏幕上Let's go to the big screen ahead我给您大概介绍一下and I’ll give you a brief introduction这个设备是怎么运行的on how this equipment works好的 这个看起来很复杂Okay, this looks complicated现在您看到的这些实时画面Now you see these real-time pictures这所有的您看到的机械设备All the machinery you see原本就是我们太重集团自主研发研制的Originally developed by Taiyuan Heavy Industry Group好的 这是什么Okay, what is this现在您看到的这是装煤车Now,what you see this is the charging car它负责的是装煤工作responsible for coal loading然后紧接着And then它干的活它就是负责去推焦it is responsible for coke pushing把这个焦炭推出去whichis to push the coke out推出去以后After that到了这个目前在旋转着的罐子里面coke goes inside到了这个罐子里边this rotating jar然后熄焦车开走Then the quenching car drives away把焦炭熄灭以后After the coke is quenched我们看到市面上的焦炭就有了we see the coke in the market这里所有的工序都是由中控室“一键”完成的All the processes here are completed by just one click in the central control room.现在正在进行的是准备推焦这个动作It is now preparing to push the coke它的每一个动作The precondition of every movement of it前提都必须是设备要定位到很准的位置must be that the equipment should be positioned to a very accurate position你看这有一个视目标距离You see there's a visual target distance看到了 正负1毫米it is positive or negative 1mm这个定位精准Theaccurate positioning它就代表着更安全 更可靠meanssafer and more reliable现在咱们是无人值守的Now you see the operation is unmanned司机已经从这儿The operators have moved from here移到了更舒适to the more comfortable环境更好的远程集控中心去了remote centralized control center with better environment【同期声】这是锅炉内部 炼完的焦炭会从另一侧出来This is the inside where the prepared coal comes out the other side这里极其热 你看得出来是为什么It's extremely hot here and you can probably see why煤炭在以950摄氏度高温燃烧That coal is burning at about 950 degrees我们刚刚离开了炼焦炉So, we've just come from the coal coking ovens如你所见 那里的环境and the environment there as I think you could tell非常嘈杂 也非常热was very very loud very very hot老实说And honestly我不喜欢那里I really didn't like being there我迫不及待想离开I was eager to get away所以我现在很高兴能来到这里的集控中心So, I'm very very pleased to have arrived here在这里 你可以控制所有in the central control room where they can control all of that process刚才你看到的生产流程that you saw happening down next to the ovens坐在我旁边的王女士And the person sat next to me here Miss Wang就有丰富的炉前工作经验has a lot of experience with the processes surrounding those ovens实行了5G的这个智慧“一键炼焦”之后After we adopted the smart coking system with 5G technology我就来到了这个集控中心I came to work in the control center在这边的话 工作环境比在现场的时候要好了很多The working environment here is much better than that next to the ovens【同期声】在集控中心里In the control room我们看到了高效的监测系统we saw how effectively things could be monitored这显然更安全 更准确That has obvious advantages for things like更高效safety, accuracy, efficiency也减少了人力成本It also reduces things like labour costs也无需很多人在艰苦环境中工作and it just means less people have to work in those challenging conditions更多的人会在像集控中心一样的舒适场所里工作and more people can work in nicer places, like the control room我们可以展望这种模式But the plan is that this kind of model即“一键炼焦”技术this one click coking technology可以推广到全省各地can be rolled out to everywhere here in the province让各地的焦炭生产都能实现智能化meaning they'll all be like this【画外音】5G技术在山西的智慧矿井5G technology has been widely implemented智能制造 自动驾驶等很多领域across many fields in Shanxi. This includes things like smart mines都有广泛的应用intelligent manufacturing and even driverless cars山西确实正在变得更加智慧 更加互联Shanxi is definitely getting smarter and more interconnected系列报道《首席体验官》第五集 小屋筑梦未来【同期声】新冠疫情一开始 我就在这里I was here at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic所以能目睹新冠检测技术的不断进步so it's really interesting to see the evolution也看到了检测系统的不断优化and how all of these systems have been devised让医生可以更好地应对疫情to make dealing with the pandemic situation easier for the doctors为老百姓也提供了方便easier for people总的来说 检测系统更便捷 操作性更强了and overall just convenient and manageable我们注意到了这个核酸检测小屋We also notice the cabin and甚至被大夫邀请进去参观we're even invited inside by the doctor我们这个是完全密闭的The cabin is completely enclosed我们和检测者是完全隔开的We are thoroughly separated from the testee特别的安全It is particularly safe对于我们来说是安全的It's safe for us对于检测者来说For the testee也是特别安全的it is also quite safe其次你看我今天穿的And you can see what I wear today就是我们的工作服is our normal uniform不用再穿“大白”的衣服We don't have to wear white protective garment我们就不用再穿那么厚重的衣服了that is so heavy and thick特别的舒服which is very comfortable【同期声】身处小屋When I was in that如我所说as I said里面非常凉爽it was very, very cool inside与外面正相反definitely compared to the outside里面也非常干净整齐And it really struck me as being very, very clean,very organized在这样炎热的天气下and not a place I would mind换作是我也不介意在里面工作working at all in this heat我了解到I came to understand that小屋建造采用了华阳新材料集团生产的气凝胶this cabin is made from aerogel produced by Huayang New Material Group我特别希望能尽快到其在阳泉的工厂I'm really looking forward to going to the factory over in Yangquan soon更多地了解这种新材料的生产及用途to take a further look at how these materials was made and how they can be used【画外音】我们现在来到了位于阳泉市的We've now arrived in Yangquan at the office of华阳新材料科技集团的办公大楼Huayang New Materials Science and Technology Group在这里我们可以做一些实验Here we're gonna be able to do some experiments来进一步帮助我们了解气凝胶的独特性质to help us further understand the unique properties of aerogel【同期声】在这个小容器中有一些(气凝胶颗粒)And I have some in this little vessel here这真了不起is quite remarkable当我翻动它的时候You can see the way it behaves你可以看出来它非常奇特when I tip it around is quite bizarre但你看不出来 其实它非常轻And what you can't tell is it's incredibly light事实上 它是世界上最轻的固体In fact, it's the lightest solid in the world只需10克这种材料only 10 grams就足以覆盖整个足球场of this material would be enough to cover an entire football pitch这太神奇了It is extremely impressive这里还有很多这种气凝胶材料There's some more of this aerogel here它还有另一个非常独特的属性and it has another quite unique property我打开这个喷枪If I start this torch温度超过1000度which is over 1000 degrees你可以看到you can see因为温度很高 它变成了橘色it becomes orange with the heat但是 我甚至可以用手触摸材料的背面However, with my other hand I can even touch the back并且拍一拍它and pat the back非常随意all I would like丝毫没有热的感觉and it's not even warm但不仅如此But not only that在这个实验中in this experiment here这里下方的空气和上方的水under here, we've got air and above water中间只有一层薄薄的气凝胶材料with a thin layer of aerogel in between水没有流到下面Now the water is not flowing down因为我们知道because as we know气凝胶是防水的aerogel is waterproof但当我将空气泵入底部隔间时But you'll notice when你会注意到I pump air into the bottom compartment水面会浮出气泡it bubbles to the surface所以气凝胶是防水的so aerogel is waterproof但它也是透气的but it is also breathable空气确实能够穿过它It does allow air to pass through it因此这是气凝胶在作为隔热材料之外的so that's two more properties of aerogel另外两个特性on top of being a thermal insulator防水和透气it's waterproof and breathable【画外音】对我来说这的确是一次非常奇特的体验I found that a really, really strange experience当我操作的时候when I was doing that也不停思索but that one really got my mind working我们如何利用这些气凝胶的特性trying to think how we could use these unique properties of aerogel按照我们的需要来制造更好的产品建造更棒的建筑to make products better or make construction betterwhere could it help us【同期声】我现在来到制造小屋的工厂So I'm here at the factory now where they make the cabins他们使用新材料来建造核酸小屋和生活小屋both the COVID testing and for living in out of these new materials我身后的小屋是今天下午才建成的The cabin behind me was in fact built this afternoon在现场参观时最令我惊讶的是and what surprised me most when I was watching it was它的搭建速度just the speed with which it was built大概最多只需三个小时It took maybe the best part of three hours就能搭建完毕to put the whole thing together我觉得这真的太快啦which I thought was really quite quick气凝胶材料很轻And as the aerogel is so light这是它四大特性其中之一that's one of its four really key properties正因为它很轻as it's so light所以仅需两人就能把面板安装到位it only took two people to move each panel into position节省很多时间和人力saving a lot of effort and labor time但气凝胶并不是这些小屋中唯一使用的新材料But the aerogel is not the only new material utilized in these cabins地板主要由石墨烯制成The floor is made of graphene primarily得益于它超高的强度of course, for its strength石墨烯地板虽然很薄It's extremely thin但要比钢的强度高数倍but many times, stronger than steel它还能调节小屋内部的环境It also offers some advantages in regulating the environment within the cabin最后一种采用的新材料就是屋顶上的光伏电池And the last new material used here is the photovoltaic cell或叫太阳能板or solar panel on the roof这些共同构成了零能小屋And that's what makes these zero energy cabins这些材料的使用自然有利于环境保护That's of course good for the environment这也意味着这些小屋可以在任何地方搭建but it also means these cabins can be put pretty much anywhere即使是在人迹罕至的地方也可以非常容易地进行现场安装even assembled very easily on-site in a hard-to-reach place也能自主运行其功能and function on their own根据我的理解I think there could be quite a lot of如果放在欧洲interest in this in Europe很多人都会对这种小屋感兴趣吧based on my understanding of it我们刚刚参与搭建了一个小屋We've just taken part in building a cabin现在我非常开心即将体验and now I'm really excited to sort of experience在这样的一个小屋里是如何生活的what it might be like to live in one of these cabins我特别想试一试So I'm really looking forward to trying this out我觉得它可能就是It could be, I think未来的生活方式the life of the future显然 冲杯咖啡Obviously making a cup of coffee并不是件了不起的事itself is not too remarkable并没有什么特别的乐趣It's not particularly interesting但在零能小屋里but in the zero energy cabin可能就不一样it may well be在零能小屋里So in the zero energy cabin咖啡机所需的电来自于外面的the electricity for this coffee grinder is gonna be coming太阳能板from the solar panels just over there outside这就意味着无需消耗电网输送的电或其它常规能源meaning no energy will be consumed from the National Grid or traditional sources来冲咖啡when I make this.我们昨天看到气凝胶是一种优质隔热材料We saw yesterday aerogels is an excellent insulator室内很凉爽It's really cool in here但室外烈日炎炎It's quite hot and sunny outside尤其在山的这一面right on the side of a hill但在室内But in here十分舒适lovely and cool咖啡已经冲好了So I think the coffee is ready now这可是我冲的第一杯零能咖啡This might be the first zero energy cup of coffee I've ever made没问题 味道一样棒I dare say it'll taste just as good我真的很喜欢这种创新I really, really like the idea【画外音】显然 零能小屋的亮点在于The key highlight of this cabin, of course它能切实减少我们对环境的影响is the way that it can reduce our impact on the environment这两个项目的共同点是These two projects what they have in common都利用了这些新材料的特性is that they utilize the unique properties of these new materials核酸检测站和这个小屋Both of them, the COVID testing station都特别棒and this cabin are very, very cool因此 无论是在解决气候变化等长期问题So the further opportunities for applying aerogel还是在应急情况both in solving long term problems like climate change例如抗击新冠疫情等方面and in finding solutions to quick suddenly arising problems气凝胶的应用前景都十分广阔like the coronavirus pandemic I think, are really endless而且我认为这些解决方案和创新And I think there's great potential for these solutions在更广范围内的推广潜力巨大and these innovations to be rolled out more widely不仅在中国 而且在全世界not only in China but also around the world系列报道《首席体验官》第六集 塞外牧羊【画外音】我现在在右玉县I'm now in Youyu County它位于中国山西省的西北端which is in the northwest of China’s Shanxi Province右玉这个地方非常有趣且独特This place has an interesting and unique生态环境好ecological environment人们把这里称作“小北欧”In fact,people even call it little Scandinavia你可能很难想象70年前It may be hard to believe that actually around 70 years ago这里大部分地区the majority of this land都是黄沙覆盖的戈壁滩was part of the Gobi Desert covered in sand绿化非常少with only a very low percentage of the area森林覆盖率非常低being green or forested事实上 许多人都曾建议In fact,many people suggested当地人应整体迁移that the people in this county ought to relocate但这里的人民通过艰苦努力But the people in this country are quite hard working日复一日 年复一年They've spent many, many hours over many, many years种下了我身边的这一棵棵树planting all of the trees that you see around me我们遇到了一个牧羊人 王悦We met one Shepherd, Wang Yue他已经73岁了who is 73 years old but is still但仍然乐此不疲地奔波于陡峭的山坡上running quite happily up and down those steep hill faces用传统方式牧羊herding his sheep using traditional methods【同期声】你可以教我打羊鞭吗Can you teach me to use a sheep whip?嗯 可以Yes你就拿着我的打吧Just use my whip这个 嗯This? Yes你打不响I don’t think you can make the sound你抓法就不对You got it in the wrong way你一抽就抽住自己了You'll hit yourself in this way让我来教你哇Let me teach you悠起来自然而然地打Just throw the whip up and it will sound naturally你手腕没劲You don't have a strong wrist好像这也不是一件容易的事It doesn't seem to be an easy thing看起来我这是要去放羊I might look like I'm about to go and herd some sheep但实际上 今天我要带你们But in fact, today I'm going to去体验一把无人机放羊take you to see sheep herding using a drone instead of people随我来吧So, let's go你看羊Look at the sheep看我们的羊Look at our sheep这个就可以实时观察我们的羊This one can observe our sheep in real time可以把倍数放大一点看Then you can enlarge the focal length a little bit我可以操作这个吗May I operate this?这个跟咱们开车一样This is the same as we driving a car有技术含量的and requires certain skills羊看到飞机怕不怕Are the sheep afraid of this drone?已经习惯了They are used to it【画外音】右玉人把植树造林The people of Youyu County call this planting of trees称为“绿色奇迹”that green miracle人们会告诉你People will tell you this area is very famous右玉盛产羊肉for producing mutton我们可以去参观这里的一家企业And there's one enterprise that we can visit here它就生产著名的右玉羊肉which is producing this very famous mutton并且在生产过程中有很多创新and is doing so using a great many innovative采用了许多智能技术and intelligent technologies to aid in the process【同期声】你好 你好Hello Hi你可以教我怎么做这个吗Can you teach me how to do this?哦 谢谢你Thank you它们吃什么呢What do they eat?燕麦草Oatgrass燕麦草Oatgrass来来来 吃饭come on and eat它们不想吃饭吗Don't they want to eat?这些小羊真的好可爱These lambs are really cute【画外音】刘军和王玉梅Liu Jun and Wang Yumei是附近村子的一对夫妻who are a married couple who live in a nearby village他们之前在当地煤矿打工They used to be employed in coal mines in the area2012年的时候But in 2012村子里建起了这个养殖场when this village built this new farm他们就来这里工作了they came to work here村子周边的20多位村民There are more than 20 people like them from nearby villages都像他们一样在养殖场找到了工作who've been given jobs on the farm这个养殖场的有趣之处在于What makes this farm particularly interesting is它是一个标杆企业that it's a model enterprise这意味着它有机会先于其它国有企业And what that means is that it gets the chance to尝试新技术 新方法和新工艺try out new technologies and new working methods and processes before other state-owned enterprises【同期声】我们给我们每只羊都配备了电子耳标We've got this electric earpiece for each sheep它的作用就像我们的身份证一样It acts like a person's ID card它几岁了How old is it?它的爸爸是谁 妈妈是谁 祖父是谁Who is its father, its mother and its grandfather?都可以知道We know all the information from it你刚刚听到了 每只羊的电子耳标Electric earpiece onto the sheep's ear都包含了关于这只羊的所有数据as you heard, yields all kinds of data about the sheep它的父母Its parents它的健康状况和它的具体位置any health problems it has and its location所有这些信息都可以随时了解all sorts to be accessed at any time这显然更有益于这些羊的安全和健康This is obviously really valuable for the sheep's welfare也大大提高了养殖场的运营效率and also for the efficiency of the farm's operation所以我对此非常感兴趣So I was extremely interested to see that还有就是,这比我来之前想象的更复杂 也更先进And again,it was a little bit more complicated and more advanced than perhaps I was expecting when I came here【画外音】我之前提到了早些年间这里是一片荒漠I mentioned earlier how much of the land around here was one time desert然而今天While obviously nowadays这里的人们生活在非常美丽的绿色环境中the people here live in a very beautiful green place大家看我身处的环境as you can see around me这里的绿植 草场And they're now dependent on this greenery是他们赖以生存的根本all this grassland for their livelihoods他们仍在不断劳作So they still haven't stopped working on maintaining维护这里的草场并努力提高其质量and improving the quality of the grassland around here我们也看到像智能喷灌We can see new technologies like the advanced sprinkler等先进技术也运用到了and irrigation system as well as other technologies羊的饲养当中to do with the sheep rearing这都是为了提高和保持草场的品质which are parts of their efforts to improve and maintain this grassland【同期声】所以我很开心地看到So it's really good to see这些新技术how these new technologies是怎样改善了农民的生活can improve the lives of farmers并使他们的劳作变得轻松 高效making their jobs easier and more efficient【画外音】当然And also, of course随着产业化的发展as this industry develops农民的腰包鼓起来了their salary is going to increase as well生活也发生了So it's going to实实在在的变化have a real tangible impact on their lives显然Obviously绿色产业是右玉经济的鲜明特色this green economy is the characteristic economy of Youyu County当地人在这块The people here have planted面积约2000平方公里的高原上nearly 100 million trees on a plateau种下了将近1亿棵树that has a surface area of around 2000 square kilometers颇具象征意味的是This is of course also symbolic of them他们种下的不仅是绿树的种子not only planting the seeds of trees更是致富和希望的种子but also the seeds of wealth and hope不仅是为他们自己not only for themselves也是为后代子孙but also for future generations